Collect all six

On Tuesday, Reid was asking me about Uncle Rog-ey and Auntie M. I told her that we would be speaking with them on the computer the next day. Well, come Wednesday evening, Uncle Roger, Auntie M and Grandma Joyce were all in front of her on the computer screen and she asked for Danielle. Grandma talked to Reid and so she smiled – and then asked for Danielle. Uncle Roger went up and got Danielle but didn’t come back right away. Reid asked where he was. She has a pretty strong desire to keep sets of people together. Maybe she’ll be a collector when she is older.  (Or maybe she is just bossy :+)

At the end of the call, she kissed everyone’s face on the screen again. I’ll have to arrange for Ken to take a photo. I’ll also have to get some screen cleaner because her lips are wet when she kisses and the screen is getting messy.

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