We gave thanks for the weather

What fabulous weather we had this past weekend, eh?

After a brunch of bacon and eggs, etc prepared by Grandpa Terry, which
included a second scrambled egg made-to-order for Reid, we hit the road for
Campbellford to see Grandmama. Actually, I demanded a detour to an orchard
outside of Stirling so that I could pick up some Tollman Sweet apples, a
variety I’ve never seen anywhere else. It seemed like a good idea as it what
give Reid extra time to sleep. Wrong, Mama. It gave Reid apples to snack on
while we drove. We found the Campbellford hospital without trouble but were
stumped when the lady told us Grandmama’s room number and the
no-kids-under-12 rule. Since we’d travelled so far, we decided to see if we
could get Grandmama off of her floor for a visit. The nurse agreed that we
could but then we found Grandmama in a lounge and so were allowed to visit
her there. Reid and Grandmama played with stickers and markers and Reid
played in the coffee table. Ken and I tried to convince Reid to sing some
songs but she refused (it’s those cats of ours that teach her such things).
I’ve memorized a book we got from our first Kindermusik session, called
“Watch me”, which tells of elephants stomping, monkeys swinging, etc. Reid
knows many of the words and all of the actions, including how to “stop and
make no sound” like the lady bug. Grandmama liked the performance.

By the time we got back to Grandma Barb’s, Uncle Ron, RJ and Harley
arrived; Uncle Kevin and Atira had been there when we left. Reid and the
kids played inside and out. As dinner got close to being on the table, the
kids got restless and so I got out window writer markers and they decorated
the patio doors, inside and out. Lucky Grandma and Grandpa get to look at
them still. Umm, unless Grandma Barb washed them already, which is entirely
likely though she didn’t take me up on my offer to wash them before I left.
Reid gets her cleanliness from Grandma Barb.

We made it all of 20 minutes down the road on our way home before we had to
stop for a potty break and to nurse.  After that, Ken drove us safely home
and Reid and I snoozed. Poor Ken, it’s no wonder he finds weekends generally
and holidays, especially,tiring.

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