If I’m going to be late getting home

I think that if I’m going to be late getting home from work, Wednesday may be the best day (not that getting home late is ever good). Last night I was delayed at the office and got home in time to give Reid, who had already eaten her supper, a quick nurse and then we headed to swimming lessons. By “quick”, I mean that I didn’t even take off my coat. At swimming lessons, we were together without the distraction of things to pick up, the puzzles to build with Daddy, or anything but us. I keep an ear out for what the teacher says but Reid doesn’t really. It’s a bit like private play with suggestions thrown in.  Reid is always full of cuddles and kisses when we’re in the pool – her survival instinct is strong and she knows I keep her from going under ;+) – and having not seen me at home made her all the more enthusiastic.

Now to be home on time every night from now on so that I don’t discover the worst night to be late.

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