Books we read, January 9th

Reid and I got up 15 minutes late, which makes a big difference when we usually have 45 minutes from eyes opening to Reid getting in her car seat. Still, Ken was able to read Wheelies’ Trusty Tractor (no author), Peek-a-Who? by Nina Laden and The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. I love listening to Ken read to Reid. I love his voice any time and when he is reading in a silly voice or in a barely-awake voice, it’s perfect. This morning I had a lovely recitation that to acompany my shower.

Once we all got home, of course I was last to arrive, Reid was eager for once of us to read to her. Well, technically, she had already asked Ken to read to her but he was busy with supper. Throughout the evening we read:

We haven’t listened to the CDs for Daddy’s Girl or Duck in New York City yet but now that Reid has noticed them, we will have to do so.

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