Turns out if you don’t eat supper, you’re hungry at bedtime

Reid served herself several spoonsful of yellow beans last night and asked for a slice of bread. I buttered the bread on the wrong side in Reid’s estimation – apparently she knows what side her bread is buttered on but reserves the right to object – and so she refused to it. I’m not sure what crime the beans committed, and since they’re yellow I would think it would have to be sever, but she ate only a few of them. After drinking some milk and ordering us to do the same (Amanda stared Reid down but Ken and I drank), Reid announced she was done. I think she noticed that Amanda was nearly done eating her supper and so Reid saw a chance to get in extra Potato Head time since Ken and I always make her wait until we’re done eating and Amanda was already finished …. I could almost see the gears in her head turning. Shortly before bedtime, though, Reid was asking for beans and milk. “Are you hungry?” I asked innocently. “Unh-hunh,” she replied without a speck of remorse. Beans and Mama meat (lunchmeat) and milk appeared to sustain Reid and torment Leo. He loves the smell of lunchmeat and would eat it off of Reid’s plate. In fact when she is sitting on her white stool, using the top as a table, he tries. You can’t really blame him. Every self-respecting cat is obliged to try to get food in that situation. And, if you’re wondering, we don’t try to teach her the consequences of not eating (being hungry all night) since she would just try to make up the calories in night time nursing. We’ll talk about it instead.

New age parents, what are you going to do!?

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