Learning phone manners

Reid continues to enjoy talking on the cell phone while we are driving but she is still learning her phone manners. She doesn’t want to speak to just anyone at any given time, though. I will frequently go through a list of people before she hears the right one. It’s not always the same person who is chosen, either, and so I can’t just offer the person she spoke with last. Sometimes she asks to speak with Ken, even if we are only a few minutes from home but since she gets all sparkly-eyed when she hears his voice and she focuses on him, instead of chasing Clio while asking for Toopy and Binoo, I let her call him. Since Ken is not a fan of phones, it’s a mixed blessing but there you have it.

Reid insists on pulling the antena out, despite my assurances that it makes no difference. I think some people start talking well before Reid starts listening beacuse of the antena-fixing that must take place. When she says, “Hi” is usually when she starts listening. The main challenge I have is that Reid chooses which person she wants to speak with rather than which household. If the spouse or child of the “chosen one” answers, Reid will say “hi” and and maybe answer another question but then she disengages. I’m working at getting her to say, “May I speak with Person X, please” but that’s only starting to come. In the meantime, let me assure you (if you’re the “wrong” person) sometime, it isn’t you, it’s her. And I’m working on it.

And I’m wondering what it is that you talk about with Reid. I can see her expression changing, she smiles often and nods occasionally (sometimes when she talks to you, if she really wants to get her point across) but she doesn’t relay any messages or tell me anything. It’s like having a teenager I have to buckle into a child restraint. (That is government-speak for car seat. Aren’t you impressed? ;+)

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