Dinner for two

Ken and Reid got home about 4:50 this afternoon and he had to leave for the museum at 5:30. Reid refused to come to supper when Ken went to the table at 5:15, instead choosing to watch more of Toopy and Binoo. Since we were short of time, we decided to let her stay and we served ourselves. No sooner had we got food on our plates than we heard an unusual noise from Reid. Ken and I both went running and Reid was all stiff and making her noise. Turned out that she was upset that we had gone ahead and started supper without her.  I’m not sure if it was outrage or hurt that we could bear to eat without her or what. She sat with me for a bit before leaving again to go play. Ken and I enjoyed a dinner for two and our first real chance to talk since Sunday.

After a bit, we noticed that Reid was being really quiet and we stood up to look through the window into the living room. There Reid was, building towers and arranging her wooden blocks. It was kind of magical, standing there with Ken, seeing her so independent and working quietly, concentrating so much that she didn’t hear me ask her about her tower.

And, if you were wondering, yes, I let her eat her chicken and beans later.

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