Archive for April, 2007

Books we read, April 16th

Monday, April 16th, 2007

We were glad to have Daddy back on the continent. We read:

Super Daddy got home safely

Monday, April 16th, 2007

Daddy called about 6:00 last night to say that he was nearly to Ottawa and ask if I’d come get him. I didn’t hesitate at all to agree! We hadn’t eaten supper yet and so Reid stayed at home. While I was gone, Aunt Karin and Grandma Joyce talked about how Mama had gone to pick up Daddy. Reid was a bit puzzled and asked, “Tarry him?” The “t” sound threw Aunt Karin but after a few repetitions, she realized the problem and clarified that I’d taken the purple car and would be bringing Daddy home in it. So, then Reid had to know if Daddy would be riding in the front seat. It’s important to know such details when you always ride in the back seat, I guess. Soon enough, Reid was talking excitedly about Super Daddy coming home. Super Daddy is even more exciting than Super Toopy, I think, judging from how long it took Reid to settle down to sleep. She had many questions about what Daddy was doing, would he be there in the morning, etc.

Weekend with Grandma Joyce and Aunt Karin, part 1

Monday, April 16th, 2007

On Friday – the last workday before Ken came home, if you’re keeping track – I had a meeting scheduled until 5:00 in the west end. Grandma Joyce and Aunt Karin were planning to come to help me out anyway and so I called and asked if they could be sure to arrive in time to get Reid from daycare. Luckily, they could. With only one extra form, I made the arrangements. When they got to daycare, Reid was playing in the sand. She glanced up, said, “My mama get me,” and went back to playing. One of the teachers protested but Aunt Karin said not to worry and eventually Reid decided to go with them. On the way home, Aunt Karin asked Reid for directions at each intersection. Reid would say, “this way,” and point in the appropriate direction. Aunt Karin would confirm, “oh, I turn left” or whatever and they would continue. Eventually, Aunt Karin asked whether Reid knew how to get to Tim Hortons. Reid didn’t but when Aunt Karin turned left at the mall instead of going straight, Reid told her that they’d “have to go backwards now” as Aunt Karin had made a mistake. When they got to our street, Aunt Karin asked which was Reid’s house. Reid wouldn’t or say but didn’t say that she “lived next to our neighbours”. This is true, of course, though not particularly helpful in finding a house. When Aunt Karin was placing the order at the speaker at Tim Hortons, Reid was asking they were at McDonalds. Once Aunt Karin had given the money to the cashier and was waiting for their order, Reid told her to drive to the next window. Aunt Karin laughed and told her they weren’t at McDonalds. I didn’t think we had drive-through that often but apparently, we do. We started a new session of swimming lessons on Friday night. We missed a class while we were flying back from San Diego and I really wanted to be on time. It was not to be, though. Between the excitement and confusion of our visitors and the loss of the precious 15 minutes – who schedules a class at 5:45 – we were late. We managed to spot the teacher and the two kids, plus parents, in our class and went on in. The other kids are twins and there are only the three kids in the class. Our teacher, Jenn, sang lots of songs and was confident and knowledgeable. I think the course will be good as long as getting there doesn’t drive us crazy.

Books we read, April 15th

Sunday, April 15th, 2007

We read:

Books we read, April 14th

Saturday, April 14th, 2007

With Grandma Joyce and Aunt Karin in town, there was lots of book reading being done:

Books we read, April 13th

Friday, April 13th, 2007

In the morning, we read:

I picked up the two books by Barton because they are not the sort of books that I would usually choose and I was trying to expose both of us to a new sort of book. We ended up with a book about dinosaurs one time for this same reason. This time, though, Reid really liked the books. My Car has a great ending because after the man tells us about his car at home and where he drives it, we learn (spoiler alert) that at work – he drives a bus. 

At bedtime, we read:

The continuing adventures of Baby Mouse and Mama Mouse

Friday, April 13th, 2007

When we were driving on Sunday evening, Reid proclaimed that she was a mouse and so was I. Since that time, she has generally called me Mama Mouse and responds most quickly when I call her Baby Mouse. One of her perennial questions is, “Where going?” This week it’s been “Where going, Mama Mouse?” and the favoured response is, “To the Baby Mouse house.” When we stopped at Grandma Barb’s, Baby Mouse played with Grandma Mouse while Mama Mouse laid on the floor wishing that Daddy Mouse was there because it’s tough being a mama mouse with the flu with all that distance to drive. We went to see Melissa and her gang and Reid extended the mouse designation to Melissa Mouse. I’m not sure if they noticed that we, and they, were mouses as Reid forgets sometimes to address me by my full title. It’s cute. I don’t know why we’re not bunnies, given Easter had just passed but I’m glad we’re not skunks. 

Have a great weekend. Daddy Mouse is back Sunday night and we’re looking forward to it.

Ken’s new, hyphenated name

Friday, April 13th, 2007

The longer that Ken has been gone, the more Reid has talked about him. He is now, somewhat unofficially, referred to as “My-Daddy-Far-Away”. If she sees a need, Reid will append “-in-France”. It has a Native Canadian sort of ring to it.

On Tuesday night there was almost an “incident” when Reid was setting the table. We have four pasta bowls that each have a different flower in the middle of them. I handed her three and she started her work. But then, she noticed that I had given her the bowl that she has assigned to Ken. I don’t keep track but Reid does. So there was Daddy’s bowl and a hungry Aunty Amanda but no Daddy. I assured Reid that Dadddy likes to share. I didn’t think she would believe that he doesn’t even know which is *his* bowl. We repeated the process with glasses (Ken’s is red, but I knew that although I didn’t think that she’d object when I took it out). Again we discussed it and Amanda got the privilge of using Daddy’s stuff. Ken is always a good sharer but in abstentia, he is practically monklike in the things about such things.

Nursing a toddle sure is different than nursing an infant

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

Watching Melissa nursing Zachary brought back warm and fuzzy memories of nursing Reid (after we finally figured out how to do it). At one point Zachary was flailing his arm causing him to have difficulty nursing.  Melissa gently held his hand. I bet she didn’t even notice that she did it. La Leche League and Dr Newman talk about the “nursing couple” and when they interact so effortlessly, it sure seems an accurate description.

Nursing Reid, of course, is very different – more like learning to square dance in a grade 5 gym class. You both have an idea of what should be happening at any given time and you need to negotiate a bit to actually do it. Reid has been getting calmer as time passed. From the time she was maybe six months old, she squirmed. By the time she could walk, she was practically an acrobat, without ever having nursing. Not even when she balanced on one foot, stuck her foot in my face or decided my arm around was too restrictive. Recently, she has become more snuggly. I’m wondering if the foot-in-the-face move might come back once Reid is wearing sandals again since last year the sandals she had caused her feet to smell and I reacted with an “ooh, stinky feet” once and she giggled and that set a pattern.

As we drove home on Monday, we were singing “Hi, Ho the Dairy-oh!” and Reid asked if the cows, who give us milk, have the milk in their breasts. I said yes and that their breasts were called udders. Later, she asked if I had milk in my breasts “like farm animals”. Yep, that’s me. Like a farm animal. ;+)

Us holding hands

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

I noticed as we walked to the car after daycare last night that Reid and I were holding each others’ hands rather than just me holding Reid’s hand. I guess this has been changing over the last while. She used to quite often tell me to hold her arm and we’d walk with me holding her by the wrist and she liked it. Sometimes I would hold her hand in mine and she would let me. But lately, she has been objecting to how I hold her hand. And all of a sudden I noticed, though in retrospect it wasn’t sudden at all, that she was growing up in yet another way.