No time for language lessons

Reid woke up Friday morning and called out for me. I was downstairs diligently captioning photos and so ran upstairs, calling to Reid as I went. As I snuggled with Reid in her bed, she said, “Eee, eee” in what seems to be another nickname she has for nursing. After a few “eee”s, Reid moved onto “oh, oh” and we had ourselves a teachable moment. Did you know, says I, that E and O are special letters called “vowels“? That A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y are vowels and they have special jobs in words? Reid listened as far as this and then, as I was saying that other letters are called consonants, she called out, “Milkies!” Reid doesn’t know the expression, “For the love of all that is sacred” but if she did, I’m pretty confident she would have used it after “Milkies!” (I’m sure by the time that she has such expressions in her vocabulary, she won’t be nursing any longer though some of you may be wondering if she’ll be nursing when she goes to college. That is just silly talk.)

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