Bad advice from my sister

I had a very scary dream Sunday night. In it, Reid wanted to go to a movie theatre to watch a “show” (her word for videos, tv shows, etc.). I didn’t want to go but Karin convinced me to let Reid go on her own since she is getting big. For some reason I was persuaded by her “3 year olds go to the movies by themselves all the time” argument. Karin and I got a dual control city bus, available for the low, low rental price of $10,000 an hour, and went driving around. At a couple of points, I felt breathless with panic at the thought of Reid alone in a movie theatre but each time Karin talked me down. At other times it was having to come up with $10,000 that took my breath away. When I finally awoke, I had to concentrate on staying awake and knowing that Reid was safe in her own bed.

I think this dream offers 3 lessons:

1. I’m feeling a bit of doubt about Reid’s solo swimming lessons that start this week. She was telling me yesterday that she thinks she should go alone when she is 4.
2. I seem to have a surpressed desire to drive buses.
3. I should buy a lottery ticket as I’ve got some angst around finances right now.
4. Karin gives better advice when I’m awak

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