Sporty Reid

I have in my memory, even if I don’t want to, references to “doctor Barbie” and “water ski Barbie”, or something to that effect. I’m sharing Reid’s physical activity schedule for when she is at school. At first I was surprised to see the 30 minute blocks when I’d been told there would be 60 minutes each day but then I considered the time required to get the kids from school clothes into and out of a bathing or ice skates, etc. The teachers will get the full 60 minute workout at least.

* Monday – Swimming
* Tuesday – Physical education
* Wednesday – Gymnastics
* Wednesday – Skating
* Thursday – Dance
* Friday – Free play in gym

I’m told that the swimming will go all year and the skating will last until March but that the other classes may change after a few months. With Reid’s decision to drop gymnastics and skating except at school, our weeks seem much easier than when we were going to gymnastics, skatings and swimming in the evenings without her missing any of the activities. I feel like I’m eating my cake and having it, too.  

Reid also has a music class, based on the Music for Young Children program, on Thursdays at 11:00, which may or may not conflict with or compliment Kindermusik. I don’t know much about Music for Young Children as their site is vague and the school hasn’t sent home Reid’s music book.

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