Hooray, the buses are back!

I saw a couple of OC Transpo buses when the train pulled into Ottawa last night but it was so late that I decided to splurge for a cab ride home. This morning, though, I rode on a bus for the first time in 2 months. It was crowded and I spent quite a while standing up but it was still better than not having a bus on which to feel crowded while standing up. Since I boarded through a back door, I didn’t get to say, “Thank goodness you’re back.” And I didn’t have the opportunity to hear the driver’s response, “I’m glad to be back.” Instead I had to wait for the driver’s welcoming words to all of us, “Back door don’t close, we aren’t going anywhere.” The people blocking the doors stepped forward, apparently having forgotten the “no driving with the doors open” rule.  Ah, life is back to normal! (For me, at least, only two-thirds of the buses are running and people on local and rural routes have weeks or months to wait.)

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