When Obama came to Ottawa

I was on my way to a meeting about 9:30 and couldn’t resist checking out the scene on Parliament Hill, even though US President Obama hadn’t yet arrived in Ottawa.

No one walked on the streetsThe streets were closed. Being Canadian, the pedestrians – me, included – stayed on the sidewalks.

Men working overheadSome of those involved in the “work overhead” were snipers. Just saying…

Obama-manThe “SnObamaman” got lots of attention.

Building a snowmanThere were many more children than I expected. They enjoyed the snow.

Maybe we can tooThese drummers from Nunavut are carrying a sign that says, “Maybe we can too.” That was the mood in a nutshell.

My bus was stopped dead on a street for about 25 minutes, and my trip home took and 100 minutes instead of 30. It wasn’t so bad, given the excitement. One of my fellow bus riders said she was “trapped in the seventh circle of hell” but she exaggerated.

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