Pretty please with a …

I discovered – okay, allowed myself to acknowledge – yesterday that naps don’t happen at March Break camp. The effect of 3 consecutive no-nap days for Reid wasn’t pretty. She was just at the end of her rope. Being the mama, I had to take the hard path and cancel a trip to the Dollar Store for Easter art supplies in favour of a quick supper and  bed when Reid was too tired to stop crying.

As we drove home, Reid kept telling me that she wanted, really wanted, to go get art supplies. Reid has started to try to improve on the power of the magic word. Mostly we’ve been hearing, “Pretty, pretty please,” with a plaintive tone to enhance the “pretties”. Finally, I suggested, “With a cherry on top”. Reid has taken this concept and built on it. By the time we were turning onto our street last night, she was pleading, “Pretty, pretty, please. With a cherry on top. And a banana. And. A. Cookie.” Reid definitely knows my weaknesses. But being a mean, mean mama, I still said, “no.” She might have kicked and yelled, then. And maybe she even cried. Some would say she threw a full-fledged, no holds barred tantrum but I won’t say those things because Ken is already feeling bad about being away. Instead, I’ll just that Reid decided to stay in the car while I fed the cats and hoped with all my might that the neighbours wouldn’t decide that Reid was in actual distress. A cuddle on the couch put the matter to rest as Reid told me that she had to run, skate and play too much at camp and she was tired. Too true!

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