Why, Mama?

We are, mercifully, hearing fewer no’s these days, especially no’s that were said on principle rather than because Reid actually didn’t want what was offered. Instead, Reid’s favourite word is now, “why”. Oh, we knew it was coming but it was a bit surprising how quickly the change came upon us. This morning went like this: While I was putting a ponytail holder in Reid’s hair, the holder broke. I told Reid that I’d need to get a different one.
Reid: “Why, Mama?”
Me: “Because this one broke.”
Reid: “Why, Mama?”
Me: “Maybe I pulled too hard.”
Reid: “Why, Mama?”
Me: “Your hair is very thick.”
Reid: “Why, Mama?”
Me: “Maybe is was poorly made.”
Reid: “Why, Mama?”
Me: “Do you want me the braid your hair or leave it”
Reid: “Braid.”
Me: thinking to myself – success!

And so it goes.

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