Be precise in what you say

Last night Ken and Reid were playing on the living room floor with Briana, Reid’s Cabbage Patch doll. Ken helped put on a cloth diaper (lovingly made by Grandma Joyce) and then Reid noticed another diaper on the floor. Ken asked, “Are you going to put the other one on?”. Reid promptly stripped off her shorts and underwear and handed the diaper to Ken. Now, Reid doesn’t have a big bum but it is bigger than that of her doll. When Daddy wouldn’t help, she carefully put the diaper on the floor and then  lay down with her bum over it and tried to do it up. Having trouble accomplishing the task, she imperiously said “Biper” to me but I was laughing and was of no help, though I did offer a pullup which was deemed unsuitable.

Next time, Ken will have to ask “Are yo going to put the other one on the doll?” or Reid will get a complex about her bum being too big.

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