What a weekend, part 1

We went to the Aviation Museum on Friday night for the Members’ Christmas party. I haven’t been in the Aviation Museum in many years but Ken and Reid have been there together a couple times. As soon as we got our coats off, Reid headed off down one of the aisles to see the “ai’planes” and “hepidopters”. She wasn’t interested in the craft table (like I might have been) but went to sit in the helicopter trainer. I was interested in the ejection seat but Reid didn’t want to sit in it with me and, when I put the helmet and oxygen mask on, she seemed a bit worried. Reid showed me the planes that she had assigned to Ken, me and herself on her last visit. Ken and I took turns standing in line waiting for Reid’s turn to see Santa. I’m so glad we went there so early in our visit as the line moved so slowly. Reid and I had time to write a letter to Santa that went something like this:
“Dear Santa,
How are you, Mrs Claus and the reindeer? Mama says that I have been a good girl. I would like a cradle for my baby dolll and a choo-choo train. Thank you. ”
Reid didn’t want to draw on the letter but she enjoyed using the rubber stamp to make pictures on the envelope. After the stamping was done, she put her letter safely in a box and we went to check out the little stage that had been set out – okay, I was intending to walk back to Ken but Reid made a bee line for the microphone on the little stage. I’m not sure why it was the microphone that attracted her but she wasn’t interested in the music stand or speakers; maybe Ken takes her to rock concerts when I go to the grocery store. In any case, she had lots of smiles for the crowd as she stroked the mic stand. After a short wait (for her), Reid and I went up to see Santa. I had to strongly enourage her to come up but I think she was glad for it when Santa gave her a candy cane. Reid seems to have a particular fondness for candy canes. We did a couple of crafts – using lots of glue, because Reid loves “bluing” and then had a snack. At which point I got a good look at Ken and noticed he looked like he might fall over. He was off sick Thursday and Friday but wanted to come to the party. He was important to carry our sticky, gluey crafts and to share Reid’s appreciation for the planes in a more knowledgeable way than I could. The museum itself was more fun than I remember, seeing it through Reid’s eyes. She noticed differences in colour, size, type, etc and was excited by it all.
It was time to go home and get my Reynolds people to bed.

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