You can tell when Reid has had fun by how dirty she is

When Ken got Reid from daycare on Tuesday, Christina told him that Reid had glue in her hair. Boy, did she ever! Even though I try not to bathe her daily in order to save her delicate skin, a bath seemed necessary before sending her back on Wednesday. I scrubbed and scrubbed while she complained and complained but still ended up having to comb some out before doing her hair. I was smarter, though, on Wednesday and put a second pony tail in to control the back of her hair.

On Wednesday, her first words when she came home were, “Dirty, Mama.” And my baby doesn’t lie. She was filthy. She had wet sand on her face and a soggy and dirty coat. Ken said her pants were equally bad. I am sure glad that Ken washed her outdoor clothes last weekend ;+)

On Thursday, her snowpants and coat were again wet and dirty. This time she also had white paint in her hair.

The theme of the week at daycare is “Snowmen” but the kids have been making far more mudpies outside than snow anything.

I suggested that maybe Reid could wear splash pants on Friday and the teacher said that it would be too cold. When I got Reid at the end of the day, she was in splash pants because it was so warm.

Under the dirt, glue and paint, Reid has had a big smile. There is so much fun to be had in her new class that she is really enjoying it.

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