Happy (belated) National Flag Day

Happy National Flag Day, just one day late. I hope you celebrated appropriately. I printed some colouring pages and Reid coloured one on Wednesday to get our house decorated. For the last while, Reid has been wanting others to colour for her and she asked me to colour the flag. When I encouraged her to do it instead, we discussed which parts needed to be red and she carefully coloured a few scribbles in the bars and leaf. I’ve never before noticed her trying so hard to put a particular colour in a specific place. She did pretty well. These areas weren’t fully coloured but there wasn’t much outside of the flag area either. I only wish that I had thought to talk Reid into wearing her Canada Day outfit yesterday. Ah well, she has grown so much that it probably wouldn’t have fit.

Switching topics (I tell you because Dad once told me when we were hoeing that it’s confusing when I change topics without warning.)

One of the “books” that we have been reading lately is the page-a-day Cat Calendar that features B. Kilban cartoons. We read the pictures from January 1st through the current day, discussing each as we come to it. There are cats skiing, skating, playing basketball and others playing football and still others do other stuff. I think Reid’s favourite so far is one of a big cat laying under the covers looking grumpily from the pillow while a smaller cat is sitting on top of him. We have decided that the little cat is saying, “Wake up, wake up, wake up!” And the Daddy cat is saying, “Go away!” Reid decided that the grumpy cat was the Daddy. Ken protests that he wouldn’t never say, “Go away,” and he wouldn’t.

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