I told you so

Last night at Melissa’s, Reid wouldn’t eat her supper. Melissa cooks generally the same sort of foods that I do but Reid is often too busy or too interested in the other toys or maybe the slight differences are distracting. In any case, this is not unusual. She will often eat bread and veggies but last night Melissa had a baguette, which is a treat for her family but Reid prefers Melissa’s white bread. Reid had eaten peppers and cauliflower on the way from daycare and then only one piece of the baguette but since the crust to non-crust ratio is unfavourable she stopped there. She drank some millk, too. Reid came be pretty stubborn. Me, too, and so I didn’t offer her an alternate supper. Am I a bad mama?

Reid slept poorly and was up at 4:45 insisting it was “waking up time.” I tried to convince her she was wrong but she cried and so we got up. I offered her crackers and she gobbled a few up. When she first got up Reid had told me, “My sick” but I think it was the supper-skipping and inadequate sleep. She perked up and by the time I was done showering Reid and Ken were cuddling and giggling and having fun.

I was pretty slow getting ready, though. On the way to work I missed my stop by three stops. I am lucky I don’t operate heavy machinery for a living. The rest of the day went pretty well and since the sun is shining and the temperature is minus six, I’m looking forward to seeing Ken and Reid.

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