Yelling for mama

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been staying up late fairly often doing this and that on the computer with my blog or editing and captioning photos. Over the same period, I’ve been jolting from sleep if Reid wakes up and calls out. I was afraid that I was sleeping through the quiet calls and hearing her only when she was getting scared or whatever as her calls were loud as I finally reacted to them. A couple days ago, though, I’d fallen asleep with her about 5:00 am and was laying there drifting in and out of sleep when Reid all of a sudden yelled, “Mama! Mama!” This time I knew that she hadn’t fussed first but went straight to high volume. I guess I’ll be able to continue staying up late if I want. That’s good news as I’m getting behind on the photos again or maybe I should say “as always”.

May your self doubts be small ones that are resolved as easily as this one of mine was.

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    Yelling for mama « Tales of life with a girl on the go