Happy birthday to Reid!

July 25th, 2010

Reid is at Grandma Joyce’s today, in the middle of an almost two week visit. I’m home alone and am remembering how much she has changed in her six (six!) years. I have to say that my collection of Reid’s birthday pictures doesn’t represent the best pics I’ve ever taken, may even show some of the worst ones, but here they are:

Ice cream baby

2004 – July 25ishReid seemed so tiny when she was born, despite being 8 pounds, 8 ounces.

Birthday cake monster

For Reid’s 1st birthday, we had pizza (the proof is one her face). Her grin shows that she was eager to get her fingers into her cake.

Birthday dress 
The American Girl princess dress Reid received for her 2nd birthday was very well received.

Birthday boots
These yellow boots with a firefighters’ emblem on them were the hit of Reid’s 3rd birthday.

Birthday with Daddy
We were in Toronto to send Ken off on his first Afghanistan mission for Reid’s 4th birthday.

Birthday pie

Once Reid stopped playing in her cake, she decided she didn’t like it. Pie was on the menu for Reid’s 5th birthday.
Jumping for joy
This isn’t Reid’s 6th birthday picture but since I’m here and she is there, I’ll stare at this one a bit.

I don’t remember being bribed

July 23rd, 2010

My mom called today and left a mesage. She told me that Reid is doing well with riding her bike without training wheels. I’m not supposed to mention it so that Reid can surprise me when I get there.

As you know, though, Reid can be a bit of a slacker when it comes to learning new skills. (Think hockey ;+)

Reid and Uncle Roger had a date after camp one day to practice riding. Reid winged a bit and Mom offered her $2 to go out and practice without complaint. And, Mom said, “Don’t tell anyone.” Reid went outside, put in a good effort and made good progress. When she got back in, Reid said, “I told Uncle Roger about the money. But only him.” I guess Mom should have said, “Don’t tell anyone, especially Uncle Roger.” ;+) When they finished riding the next day, Roger asked Mom what the bribe had been for that session. Mom confessed that she’d let Reid eat in front of the tv.

All of this bothers me a bit. I want Reid to do things because she should and all that. But what I really want to know is why I was never offered money when I was a child?!

Advice in advance of Reid’s 6th birthday

July 15th, 2010

My sister Karin, usually known here as “Aunt Karin” wrote this story in an email to Ken and then decided to send it to me, too. I wanted to capture it here because it’s very funny because Reid is 6 instead of 16. I’m not considering that it might be foreshadowing anything.

On Tuesday, Dave called me at work and in a  DEADLY CALM VOICE asks me If I’ve seen Shea’s nipple.  Shea has had swollen lymph nodes due to mono so I thought great, now he has a swollen boob?  I said, “No, I’ve haven’t seen it, what’s wrong?”  Dave said, “He got his nipple pierced, I told him to pack his bags”, still calm.  I said, “Dave, there’s worse things than that” then my phone rings and I have to go. I called Dave back when I could and said, “Calm down.”  He said, “I’ve always been calm,” then he said “I guess there are worse things.”  

Shea had been to Grand Bend overnight and a friend, who already has both nipples pierced, told Shea (who’s a big chicken) that if he got it done right then and there that he would pay for it. Shea asked the man how much it. When he found out it cost $100, he told his friend to pay and he would do it. I think he thought his friend would back down and if not then Shea would do it.  I asked him who signed his permission form and he informed me that at 16 you don’t need parental permission for a piercing, but tattoos can’t be done without parental consent till age 18. Good to know!

Since your daughter is fast approaching her 16th birthday, I thought I’d share my story.

Littlest Scientist

July 8th, 2010

Reid made a fridge magnet at Cosmic Adventures camp on Wednesday. As we drove away, she asked for a piece of paper and a pen. A couple of minutes later, she asked if I had a metal water bottle in the car. I handed it back to her and she stuck her magnet to it. That little light that floats above my head went on. Reid was testing different things to see if they were “magnetic”. She had developed a chart with an “M” at one side and an “N” at the other and was tracking the results of her experiment. She tried a couple of other things and declared that non-magnetic “won”. I bet adult scientists don’t have contests in the midst of their experiments.

* For some reason, the Littlest Hobo came into my head as I wrote this title.

The once and future Reid – Wordless Wednesday

June 30th, 2010

Just a few words: I wonder if this pic is a glimpse into the future. Reid’s face seems very mature for Senior Kindergarten graduation, at least to me.

Senior Kindergarten graduation

View More Wordless Wednesday Participants, look at my previous Wordless Wednesday entries, or check out the cute babies and kids at 5 Minutes for Mom.

Message received

June 29th, 2010

Reid was angry withh my yesterday morning because I wouldn’t help her wrap herself in two towels. She was cold and I wanted her to put on her clothing. When I got home last night, I noticed this on her bedroom door:

No Mama sign

I didn’t mention it but Reid did, “Remember this morning when I was so angry? I wrote this.” I nodded and she continued, “It’s my room and you can’t go in.” I was looking in through the doorway, feeling relieved, because that room is a mess and someone has to clean it before Grandma Joyce and Aunt Pam come. I’m glad I’ve been banned!

Reid paused a minute and then went to find her pencil – which she seems to keep in Ken’s office – and returned to add to the note. Poor man had nothing to do with the dispute.

No Mama and Daddy signCan I say how happy I am that Reid is starting to write independently? These are very exciting times at our house!

Last day of Senior Kindergarten

June 26th, 2010

It seems far more than just 10 months ago that Reid started Senior Kindergarten at the Academy. She was delighted to have Natalie as her teacher and settled quickly into her role as teacher’s pet. (I call it like I see it.) When we decided to put her in her new school after March Break, Reid was sad to leave the kids with whom she’d spent a year-and-a-half and, especially, Natalie but she adapted very well to a new day care for before- and after-care and a school. I’m glad we made the switch mid-year so that she could go through the transition with both Ken and me to offer hugs and so she has had a chance to make friends in a more playful environment.

And suddenly, it seems, it was the last day of school yesterday. I wasn’t quick enough to offer to send cupcakes any day to celebrate her birthday at school. (The rainbow cake was for daycare.) Reid asked if I would bake something but since they had treats on Monday and Tuesday, I knew the rest of the week had already been spoken for, I decided to spring for pizza at lunch on Friday at daycare. It was ideal – Reid loves treating her friends and I don’t love packing lunch. Another parent sent watermelon and they had treats left over from the graduation lunch. It was a fun party, from what I was told.

At school, as near as I can figure, Reid and her class watched a movie and ate freezies and yellow cheesies (whatever that means.  - sounds disgusting to me but Reid smiled when she told me about them). She’d brought her report card home on Wednesday – she did well – and all of her art and other work through the week that the last day of school seemed anti-climatic. If Reid’s was the elementary school someone tweeted about playing Alice Cooper’s *School’s out*, she never mentioned it.

At day care, we gathered Reid’s spare clothes, the last of her art worlk, and then said “good bye”. It was a great place and I’m glad they were able to take her at the last minute and in the middle of the year, but I’m looking very forward to being able to put Reid on the bus at home and then walk straight to my bus. She’ll go to the community centre after school and I’ll be able to walk there and walk her back home. I’ll have to start work a bit later but not too much, I don’t think. When Ken is back, we might not need daycare at all. Imagine the money we’ll save! Even if we keep her at the community centre, we’re still saving a lot. Hooray for full day school, even if I had to wait until Reid was in grade one.

On the advice of Andrea at Peek Inside the Fishbowl, I took a picture of Reid to mark the last day of school. Reid thought this pose was the most appropriate:

Last day of school pic

Compare it to her first day:

First day of school pic

Reid’s earthquake story

June 23rd, 2010

Reid says that she was in the gym when the earthquake happened. They went back to their classroom to have snack and then, before they finished snack, they had to go outside. Everyone in the school, even the principal, was outside. They stayed outside until the buses came. I asked if kids were frightened or thought it was silly. Reid said, “Everybody thought it was an earthquake. And it was. Everybody was okay. R, a girl in grade 1, fell off her chair and was upset but Reid reports this as interesting not frightening.” When speaking with Ken over Skype, Reid said that a girl in her class was terrified. She looked at me and said, “Really scared.” Like I wouldn’t know what “terrified” meant. Nice mama, but dumb.

The kids were talking on the playground at daycare about the earthquake in much the same way as my colleagues were as we stood outside our evacuated building. Kind of funny in parallel.

Baseball Festival Day – Wordless Wednesday

June 23rd, 2010

Putting her body into the swingReady to hitHitting the ballWaiting on the moundReceiving baseball medalMedal and cap

Summer ice skating lessons

June 22nd, 2010

Reid is taking a month of CanSkate this summer. I’d thought about signing her up for a week of hockey camp but her coach suggested CanSkate instead. He was worried that she might not enjoy being the only girl. Reid has definitely enjoyed the program, though she prefers the less structured practices on Thursdays to the lessons on Tuesdays. On Tuesdays, she has to follow directions more closely and who doesn’t like to avoid working on skills with which they struggle? Reid has taken a few courses through the City of Ottawa’s recreation department but the CanSkate is much stronger, in terms of structure and working on fundamentals. It’s more expensive, too, but I think it’s worth it.

Reid has improved her forward and backward snowmen, is starting to “make snow” when she stops and occasionally skates on one foot. Her two-footed hops still seem to involve more motion in the shoulder area than in the foot area. From the stands, it seems like her skate don’t leave the ice at all. They do a drill where the kids are supposed to bounce tennis balls on the ice and catch them again. I’m reasonably sure that this exercise would be difficult for Reid if she were standing on a floor in bare feet. Still, she is getting better at this, too.

It’s nice to come to the rink when it’s humid outside but cool inside. It’s less nice to be wearing flip flops when your 40-odd-pound kid steps on you while she is wearing ice skates. On the bright side, it seems that Reid’s skates need to sharpened. It hurt but I have only a small cut. Skating lessons were easier when Ken was in charge of tying skates but I’m considering this to be my pre-season training. Hockey begins in earnest in September. I have to get ready for my dressing room duties.