Archive for November, 2007

Spookactularly wet Saturday

Saturday, November 3rd, 2007

I know as well as the next person that cool, rainy days are to be expected in Ottawa in October. I even know that we need such days to replenish the water table and that in the spring my flower bulbs will be all the better for this fall’s rain. Still, I offered a less than enthusiastic welcome to the rain that visited us last Saturday. We had planned to attend the Members’ Halloween Party at the Agriculture Museum after Kindermusik but Reid wanted to go straight to the party. The thought of all of the rainy day driving was tempting for Ken but he agreed that we could go directly to the party.

We arrived at the Agriculture Museum and I made another pitch to Reid to put on her elephant costume. Having more sense than me, she declined and we left the car with Reid wearing a foam giraffe mask and a coat that looked like one worn by a daycare classmate. We joked that Reid was dressed up as S. The rain was heavy enough and the ground muddy enough that I was soon glad Reid had refused to wear her costume. There were swarms of kids and parents at the registration desk. Many – both kids and adults – were wearing costumes. Based on the selection we saw, I’m expecting many firefighters, Disney Princesses and dogs. By the time we got to the second barn, I’d lost Reid’s mask and Ken went back into the rain to look for it. Reid decorated a pumpkin with foam shapes, cloth flowers and other bits. Glue sticks were provided but weren’t up to the task of sticking things to the cold, damp pumpkins. We used toothpicks and those brass thingmabobs that hold papers together. Ken decided that the pumpkin wouldn’t survive the rest of the visit and so took it back to the car. What a dedicated – and wet – father! I dragged them to a new-to-us building for caramel apples but Reid wanted only a plain piece. I sucked the caramel off one piece and gave it to her. The question is: does that make me a good mother or a bad one?

We carved our jack o’lantern after naptime. Ken took the top off and Reid and I handled the seed and stringy-stuff removal. I felt like I was betraying Poppa Howard’s memory a bit as we threw the seeds out but the last time I roasted the seeds, we threw them out uneaten. Reid had definite ideas about what the jack o’lantern should look like and Ken was able to deliver on her vision to a remarkable extent.

Reid and I ate an early supper and went down to the city’s Halloween party, which had billed itself as “Spooktacular”. It was still raining and cold with darkness thrown in as we got downtown and discovered that the event was happening in the heritage building. There was a long line of people standing on the sidewalk already, though we arrived only 15 minutes after the event started. I had originally though some of the activities would happen inside the main building and so hadn’t put Reid’s coat on. We encountered a bedraggled family as we returned to the car for Reid’s coat. I asked if the activities were worth the wait and they said that the line moved so slowly and the weather was bad enough that they’d given up.

I popped Reid, protesting, into her seat and said it was too yucky out for us. I called Melissa and arranged for us to trick or treat at her house instead. It’s good to have a friend who doesn’t mind if you invite yourself over at 6:00 on a Saturday, especially on a spooktacularly wet Saturday before Halloween.

Thank goodness my mother-in-law is a good sport

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

Being a good daughter-in-law, I mailed pictures of Reid in her Halloween costume to Ken’s mom and dad. The important thing to note is that they are divorced. On Halloween night, I received the following email:

We received an envelope today addressed to Grandpa and Granny M.  They don’t live at our address.  Our names are Grandpa and Granny R.  So-o-o-o, I’m thinking Grandpa and Grandma Mitts received an envelope addressed to us!  My question now is – Do I open this envelope?

What a wonderfully polite way to say, “Hey, wienie, you messed up.” I sent the same photos to each grandparent and so was able to tell them to go ahead. Next time, I use the computer labels for sure.

National Blog Posting Month has begun

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, I’m participating in National Blog Posting Month or NaBloPoMo. All I have to do – and you, too, if you want to particpate – is post every day for a month. Post-dating posts is legal but back dating them is frowned upon. There doesn’t seem to be any policing, though, if you did resort to this.

Are there any questions that you have for me? Any ideas for what I should write about if I get stuck for ideas? I think it would be a good time to write some messages to Reid’s grown up self but where to start?

Halloween – the story in words

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

I bet you’re wondering what Reid thought about the whole Halloween experience. Let me put it this way, before we were out of bed this morning she asked if she could go trick or treating tonight. I’m glad that I had the promise of collected candy to soften Reid’s disappointment at learning that she had to wait an entire year. It was good, too, that this week has been pajama week at daycare. Best $20 I ever spent was the donation to United Way for Reid’s participation in pj week. Okay, that was an exaggeration but it has been money well spent.

Reid wore her costume to daycare over her pajamas on Wednesday. They had a parade from the prescool building to the toddler room. One of the other mom’s had forgotten to bring her little guy’s costume and she felt so guilty. The teacher said that the kids without costumes could choose from the dress up box. There are many kids who didn’t dress up. I saw the mom again this morning and she told me that she had returned home to get the costume. I would have done the same. Reid brought home a treat bag with a plastic spider in it. Between food allergies and religious prohibitions, the daycare has to be so careful with what foods are given.

Thanks to the extended daylight savings time, we had time for a leisurely supper – or at least as leisurely as one has with a 3 year old. We got outside while it was still light out and so Reid and I pulled out a few impatiens and the garden creatures while we waited to see some trick or treaters. As soon as we spotted the first ones, I put Reid’s costume on and we headed out. Ken had called dibs on walking Reid around but she asked me and we went to a few houses before stopping back at home so that Ken could have a turn. They went to only a few more houses before Reid declared herself to be done. She had lots of fun handing out candy to the kids that came to our house. There were fewer kids than last year and fewer houses handing out candy, too. I would guess that half of the houses on our street weren’t giving out candy. This bodes ill for the number of kids that will come to our house next year.

 It was such a nice evening to be sitting on the porch with Reid and Ken! We visited, ate candy and were together. The kids stopped coming by 7:45 or 8:00 and we had Reid blow out the candle in the jack o’lantern and come in. Correction: Ken asked Reid if she wanted to blow it out and she ignored him because she didn’t want the candle out. When he blew it out, she started to cry. He relit the candle and Reid blew it out. We went in and up to bed. Reid and I both fell asleep like that (imagine fingers snapping).

Halloween Highlights

Thursday, November 1st, 2007


Reid’s eager smile of anticipation


After only 10 or 15 houses, Reid had gathered enough treats. We sat together on the porch. Reid handed out the candy, ate some of her own and shared some with Ken and me.

Lights out. Halloween is over.